Go go adventure yoshino river rafting tour 19727.
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GO go adventure we all had a another awesome day down the yoshino river with our guest. we have a really nice people with us today we all guide also heaving a really fun time with them. the weather was so nice sunny and worm day really nice to go rafting this day here in yoshino river. is here in japan gating hot every day out side is to hot so less go to play in the yoshino river we all gogo adventure team are ready to take you for rafting we are sure you will love it. so you all awesome people just need to come and see us here go go adventure rafting place so i like to say thank you many many to lovely people who join with us today hope fully see you soon this summer.I like to say thank you once again. sayas Nepal.less see some photo from today.
Team osakanakun sandan rapid down the yoshino river oboke course.
wow this is osakanakun raft when he re flip when his raft flip.
time to take a free shower down the water fall.
Today team Mr.daiki down the kokeyo rapid.
wow awesome people with happy face.
Today team raje wow nice hit.
time to do paddle hifyee.
this is when we do surfing with our guest this is raje team.
Team sayas is ready to go rafting.
beautiful lady with happy face when they heaving a great time.
SAYAS team down the yoshino river iwahara rapid.
really nice white water we heaving a great time happy days.