

18/07/11 gogo adventure river rafting tour in yoshino river.



Finely after big rain in japan we can do rafting in yoshino river.we have a beautiful weather and very sunny hot day so time to go on the river for rafting and some swim so we are ready to take you to rafting you just need to come and see us at gogo adventure rafting base. yoshino river is very good place to go rafting is very clean water you can take a nice swim down the river. we hope we can see many of you nice people this summer to.
we are ready to go rafting here is yoshino river full of water on the river.
wow high water river rafting we hit the big wave down the kokeyo rapid.
now time to go for swim is very nice hot day.
ya we have a good time so far rafting is good fun.we like it.
Wow nice look ta this awesome people how they like the rafting we see from them face reaction.
This is real rafting here we go.
