2019/07/30 Yoshino River koboke cours
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Namaste konnichiwa everyone.Today we had a another wonderful and awesome day down the yoshino river with kindful,healthy and helpful guest.Nows days water level is really good also weather is a sunny and worm here good for rafting yoshino river.Today also nice weather here.Todays our guest really happy,enjoyed also gogo adventure team good time with guest.Today guest form hong kong and japanese people.GOGO ADVENTURE TEAM like to say thank you very much join with us.Hopefully see you again doing rafting together.We are waiting for you are.We are ready to take a yoshino river rafting .I would like to say once again thank you many many…. less see some today photo.
When we are play surfing every one jumping the water Team RAJE.
Team OGA had a magarito Rapid nice line
guest sit on the raft say hai
OMG Look here two people easy to pull when playing to strong OSAKANAKUN
Guest make this one very nice TEAM SABURO